Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Travelling is very important for the architect. Knowledge can be transmitted by a variety of means, but the real life experience of architecture is essential, in order to learn what there is beyond the image. Or perhaps not?
This week is the travelling week in our school. We propose an exercise that implies visiting at least 5 major works, 5 references for history.
Those already engaged in one of the organized trips will have sufficient material. Those who aren’t, can take advantage of the workshop hours to visit buildings and environments in the Region of Madrid.

Like, for instance: Caixaforum (Herzog & DeMeuron); Pabellón deportivo en el Retiro (Ábalos y Herreros); Archivo de la Comunidad de Madrid (Mansilla y Tuñón); Laboratorios de Facultad de Farmacia (MTM); Ecobulevar de Vallecas (Ecosistema Urbano); Viviendas en Carabanchel (Zaera-FOA, dosmasuno y otros); Viviendas en Sanchinarro (MVRDV y otros); Sede de El Croquis en El Escorial (Márquez-Levene) (ved tb expo de maquetas, y comprad revistas rebajadas con carné de estudiante); Circulo de Lectores (Miralles-Pinós); Biblioteca Rafael Alberti (Perea); Biblioteca José Hierro (Ábalos y Herreros); Gimnasio Maravillas (Sota); Torres Blancas (Oiza); Poblados dirigidos y UVAS (VV.AA.); Iglesia de los Dominicos (Fisac); Mupag (Fisac); Zoo (Carvajal); Planta tratamiento Valdemingómez (Ábalos y Herreros); Centro de Salud de San Martín de la Vega y Ayuntamiento de Orusco del Tajuña (Pérez Pla y Urzáiz); Piscina San Fernando de Henares (Mansilla y Tuñón); etc.
Or building included in one of the following guidebooks:
"Guía de Arquitectura de Madrid 1975-2007". Ed. EMVS Empresa Municipal de la Vivienda y Suelo del Ayuntamiento de Madrid. 2006.
"Arquitectura de Madrid" Ed. COAM Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid. Madrid, 2003.

The exercise is: register an experience of each visit, describing something that was important for you, but that you had not deduced from the graphic documentation you had previously studied. The challenge is indeed to obtain a legible registry of that experience. How to register the experience of a movement? Or a sound, a noise, a silence, a scent, a potential... The graphic system that you develop will be useful in the following exercise as a project tool.

Format: A3, landscape.
For each visited work, one page will summarize the documentation that you studied before the visit; the rest (minimum one by work) will be the registry of the experience. Complementarily, other formats may be used, but always in addition to the A3, and on a digital version which you may upload somewhere in the Internet. For this, you can add a comment right here with the link.
Deadline: Thursday 27th March at 16:00.

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