Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Friday 5 Oct. Reminder

Friday 5 Oct:
The Friday workshop will be substituted by the “Audiovisual Architecture” film show, which is scheduled at the same time as the workshop. It is one of the events in the “Semana de la Arquitectura” (see programme here). It will be very useful for our course. So, go to see the films and not to the workshop, which is hereby cancelled.
Other activities in the programme are also interesting, especially: The guided visits to buildings in madrid, the MVRDV lecture, and the Mataderolab.
All events will be discussed in the workshop the following Thursday, so, don't forget to take notes of anything that may interest you.

project opportunities

Julia Rodriguez

Reactivando Manhattan

La idea es crear un nuevo mobiliario urbano temporal, que sera de distintas formas y caracteristicas, dependiendo del lugar donde este ubicado. Este mobiliario intentara dar solucion temporal al hospedaje de los "sin techos", falta de zonas de juegos para niños, acumulacion de basura en algunas zonas de transito e intentara reactivar zonas degradadas de la ciudad.

Film your own Movie!



- Systems of housing/commerce/business more economic than the existing ones.

- Linear grouping along a N-S axis on the island border, especially on the West coast (a line permits continuity)

- Possibility of a pseudo reticulated intra-island enlargement whenever lots are available or the existing buildings are adapted.

- The search of a multi-directional dialogue among architecture, individual and city (the breaking of the limit through a space-programmatic continuity)

- Typology is considered a connection with city facilities (street, tram, bus, taxi, wifi, heating …)

- Recuperate the idea of “street” and “square” as public places of human scale and permanent activation with spatial-temporal programmes.

- The creation of new typology: elevated squares, parks and streets, which can break the hieratic reticle of Manhattan implying a capacity of programmatical association among architectures, and an economy contrasted with the present situation ( the breaking of the introversion of the skyscraper)

- Optimize the relationship between architecture – environment to reduce energy consumption with the resulting economy it would imply. We could thus optimize the layout of any piece according to sunlight and vary their distance without modifying the city density (thanks to increasing the section uses in the new elevated streets and squares)

- Programmatical versatility planning a transformable, tuneable structure (giving the building a personality) and capable of associating on demand (apartment, loft, studio flat, work-shop, office…) Thus the permanent future activation of the area according to the city needs is guaranteed. The architecture as a dynamic element that adapts to the city and transforms it.

- The solving of speed intersection conflicts by means of stratification, achieving a spatial-temporal co-existence and the optimization of itinerary (contraction of the urban distortion net) Such stratification will never imply a disconnection among activities.

- Visual connection among levels and the layout of a series of spatial association elements (ramps, escalators, elevators, stairs…) which will induce to a spatial connection between layers and activities.

- The structure planned will enable a spatial continuity (vertical inside the buildings and horizontal between them) in levels of equivalent privacy (vertical privacy gradient) or equivalent/compatible programs (The breaking with the idea of containers of piled-up, independent boxes whenever it is possible)

Modificando el Manhattan percibido


Tras analizar las diferentes estructuras de propiedad del Downtown de Manhattan y analizar las oportunidades de proyecto he pensado en generar una nueva estructura de propiedad que será un HIBRIDO de todas las estudiadas y a la que he denominado PROPERTYBOX. Así, se tratará de una estructura de propiedad a modo de caja que en su interior albergará diferentes topologías de propiedad segun el modelo familiar (familias, parejas, mayores, individuos de paso o de residencia temporal...) y cada uno de ellos seguirán las características de la estructura que más les convenga. Es simplemente un modelo que nos puede llevar a muchas soluciones diferentes de generar edificios de viviendas tan necesarios en el Downtown por la demanda que hay y la escasísisma oferta que existe.
Fiona Zayas Hemingway 20520818

New parkings areas

Se trata de localizar y actuar sobre los grandes centros de aparcamiento situados en el downtown, y rehabilitar esos espacios a menudo espacios degradados pero con una gran afluencia de personas, y darles un programa de ocio. Tiendas, restaurantes, bares, exposiciones, etc., además de darles zonas de uso público (plantas bajas y azoteas) para otras actividades como cantantes callejeros, exposiciones y zonas de descanso. Pero manteniendo el espacio de aparcamiento, con otros sistemas para no reducir las plazas de aparcamiento que quitamos para meter los nuevos espacios de ocio.

..leisure temple...adriana de cola

the idea is to create a atraction point in downtown manhattan on non-working hours, so we can take advantage of the zone not only on day time.the objective is to create a nocturnal center for all urban tribes concentrate outside downtown.

Reactivavión del Midtown

El objetivo es reactivar la zona denominada midtown, en Manhattan. Uno de los problemas que he encontrado es de espacio(que no hay)y el desuso de algunas zonas.Los lugares de oportunidad que he encontado han sido los parques y jardines de esta zona.A través de los estudios realizados sé cuándo cómo y con qué actividades se utilizan algunas zonas de manhattan en determinadas franjas horarias.La idea es crear una serie de "caja cambiante" ,cambiante de lugar y de programa,y utilizarla para reactivar estas zonas antes mencionadas e incluso poder llevar acabo esta idea en otros lugares...Todo esto y más se explican en las siguientes imagenes:


Despues de haber hecho un estudio al transporte publico mas utilizado en manhattan (subway).Hemos descubierto que existe una relacion entre lo que sucede arriba y abajo,esa relacion la podriamos llamar caos, caos de diferentes tipos de redes (viarias,flujos de gente,...)tambien hemos encontrado estaciones degradadas por su uso y por el paso de los años. Por todo ello pretendo seguir una linea de accion entre lo virtual y lo real. De esta forma, crear espacios intermedios que sirvan de union de estas redes y no de cruce. Puntos de encuentro y no de paso. Reactivar las relaciones humanas en estos espacios ya existentes. Hablamos de actualizar,reciclar y en definitiva, crear espacios que fomenten la interactuacion entre los propios usuarios.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Next steps

After reviewing all the lines of research, we shall now define our lines of action.

On Thursday 4 Oct, we shall see the line of action each one of you intends to develop. And you have to define it in terms of what, how, when and where, by posting an entry in the Blog.

1- a short text of around 150 words
2- a maximum of 3 images, 1024 x 768 pixels
Text and images must be posted in the blog before Wednesday at 22:00. On Thursday, we will review all proposals posted within the deadline.

Friday 5 Oct:
The Friday workshop will be substituted by the “Audiovisual Architecture” film show, which is scheduled at the same time as the workshop. It is one of the events in the “Semana de la Arquitectura” (see programme here). It will be very useful for our course. So, go to see the films and not to the workshop, which is hereby cancelled.
Other activities in the programme are also interesting, especially: The guided visits to buildings in madrid, the MVRDV lecture, and the Mataderolab.
All events will be discussed in the workshop the following Thursday.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

What, how, where, when

After studying the Downtown area we have found that one of the main problems is the lack of space and the poor activities for children. We have decided to act in two ways: first, with hybrid family buildings. These will have common spaces for kids available all the year round.
The other way will consist in parasitize some spaces of the area to include other activities that don’t take place in the building and at the same time completes the neighbour’s life.
This second action will connect with the first one.
Small communities will be formed for the families of a same building and at the same time this communities will be interconnect using as link the zones of activity.

Ana Megias - Lucia Sanchez del Campo